Monday, August 13, 2012

Insta-Adventures: Snapshots of the Weekend

A much needed summer breeze floated through the city Friday, so I couldn't resist soaking it up after dinner.  The rest of the weekend was relatively low key--working on creative projects, reading, eating great food, and listening to my latest music obsessions from the Nouvelle Scene Francaise.  I know I'm late discovering these bands, but that won't stop me from listening to them over and over again!  I'm particularly digging The Parisians and Les Shades.  Je les adore!


On Saturday I reread a few of my favorite letters and poems by John Keats and fell in love with them all over again.  The intense agony-filled love affair between Fanny and Keats sounds pretty un-fun in real life.  But if they'd been a well-adjusted couple, we wouldn't be remotely fascinated by them.  Have you seen Jane Campion's Bright Star?  The film creates its own poetry while acting as a gorgeous visual companion to the real and imagined lives of these iconic lovers.

Sunday ended just as any Sunday should: with roses on the kitchen table and homemade gluten free red velvet cake.  I have to be gluten free for medical reasons, so this bit of red velvet (made by my mother) is a dream come true.  Cake should be a requirement for every weekend, don't you think?  How else are we going to face Monday?

What did you do this weekend?


  1. love all of these images. this past weekend was a lot of relaxing! but this week has gone be SO slow so i'm looking to be more adventurous this time around.
    xo TJ

    1. I couldn't agree more regarding the slow week! I hope your weekend is full of pretty adventures! Happy Friday!

      -Annie <3

  2. Replies
    1. I adore red velvet, although chocolate Coca-Cola cake is perhaps my VERY favorite.

      -Annie <3

  3. I was going to comment on how that red velvet cake looks so nommy but now I want to try Chocolate Coca-cola cake!!

  4. love all of these little snippets. and red velvet cake is way too scrumptious!
    xo TJ
